Why think outside the box if we know exactly what to do?
We refuse to think outside the box. We prefer to take it, look at it from all angles, alter it and deconstruct it, if necessary. We are specialists in carton and packaging solutions and we are aware that there is a lot of potential for communication and protection inside a box.
How do we produce our boxes?
Because the boxes are not all the same, the development of a new project is done in a thorough way. We do the needs assessment to understand what is the best solution for your company and product.
The first question is:"WHAT DOES YOUR NEW BOX DO?"
Product packaging
Protection of its properties and characteristics
Secure product shipment
Make a strong and positive first impression
Marketing and positioning of a brand or product
This is followed by the development of your new packaging solution, a rigorous process with several steps and in which we are specialists: needs assessment, idea incubation, technical construction, production and delivery.